With the streets of New York covered in snow from the underwhelming Juno, it’s a great time to reflect back on storms from the past. Take a gander through these images from the Library of Congress and the Boston Public Library.
Socialites enjoy winter. These two prominent members of Washington’s social set enjoy the clear, cold aftermath of the blizzard which left the streets covered with nearly a foot of snow. Miss Evelyn Walker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Walker, is wearing the Russian-type hat. Her companion is Mrs. Eppes Hawes Preston, daughter of Former Senator and Mrs. Harry B. Hawes January 24, 1935
Blizzard, 1/28/22
Blizzard, 1/28/22
Cleaning the streets in a New York blizzard, 1899.
Man standing by snow hut, after blizzard of 1888, with U.S. Capitol in background, Washington, D.C.
Blizzard, 1/28/22
Blizzard, 1/28/22
Operations vehicle under snow, blizzard in Boston, 1978
Blizzard in 1939, Courtesy of the Boston Public Library, Leslie Jones Collection.
Blizzard on Mount Washington, N.H. 1933
Blizzard in Boston, 1920 Courtesy of the Boston Public Library, Leslie Jones Collection.
Snow removal in the city of Boston, Courtesy of the Boston Public Library, Leslie Jones Collection.