Life in Kashmir from a Bus Stop

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Tuk-tuks, ticket collectors, terminals & organized chaos.

It’s almost lunchtime at the Parimpora bus station in Srinagar, Kashmir. The sun is stretching its rays through the plumes of diesel, and the chill of an early winter morning begins to wane. Decorated Indian busses with inspirational decals fill the terminal. They wait to be loaded with the thousands of passengers who enter the gates of the station each day.

A cacophony of bus horns, barking dogs and rumbling engines escorts passengers through the maze. Ticket collectors stand atop busses and shout out destinations as fast as auctioneers. Dust from the dirt road dances up from under the crunch of passengers’ shoes. Women gently pull their hijabs over their mouths for protection.

Everyone is moving deliberately, quickly—everyone but the tuk-tuk drivers, who sleep through the commotion. A high-pitched bus horn sings a tune, a warning sign of its impending departure. —Lauren Stewart

Lauren Stewart is an international freelance photographer based out of the United States who is always willing to travel. She has lived in China, Nepal and India and has traveled independently throughout Thailand for more than a month. She enjoys exploring other cultures through families, food, fashion and religion. Her work focuses on documenting people’s daily lives to make global cross-cultural connections between the viewer and the subject. When it comes to finding a subject to photograph, her philosophy lies in the Chinese concept of yuanfen, the predetermined principle that dictates the people and relationships that come into your life. Because of this, she chooses to allow her instincts to guide the way. Her most recent work can be seen in Suitcase Magazine, Matador Network, Travelettes and Travel Antics. Visit her website at (All photos © Lauren Stewart)

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