N owhere is now offering professional review for non-fiction, fiction and essay contributions. (We do not offer this service for poetry at this time.) Each critique includes a two- to four-page markup focusing on structure, detail, setting, narrative arc, dialog, digression, modifiers, point of view, active verbs, pacing, research, voice and present action. Because we believe that there is no substitute for live teaching, you will also receive a 30-minute phone conference that walks you through the edits. This is an opportunity for genuine back-and-forth—an intimate, one-on-one workshop experience unique to you and your story, where questions are encouraged and we work together to make the most of your material.
In our edits and discussions, we’ll cover ledes, nut grafs, cliffhangers and kickers, while advising you on how to avoid cliché, nostalgia, blocking, overwriting and the many traps mainstream travel writers fall into today. We also will provide examples and reading recommendations tailored to you. We do not perform line editing, copy editing, proofreading or fact checking, nor do we offer legal advice or guidance on literary publishing. Critiques do not assure publication in Nowhere or elsewhere.
Please submit stories in Word or PDF format, double-spaced with one-inch margins and set in twelve-point Times New Roman or another common font. Please do not insert images, drop caps, ornamental text, graphics or other non-essential elements.
- Up to three thousand words: $125
- Three thousand to five thousand words: $175
If this appeals to you, please select this option at time of submittal during our contest periods, or when we are receiving general submissions. If you would like to engage this service for a story we’ve not already received, you may do so here. If you’d like to subscribe to the Nowhere Writers’ Room newsletter, please click here.
Please allow approximately six to eight weeks for review.