Interview: Z Gurm

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For N11 we interviewed our contributors on their lives outside the notebook. Writer Z Gurm tells us about her family’s lotto winnings and her perpetual fear of whales.
Did your mom really win the lottery once? Have you ever won the lottery?
My mother never actually won a lottery, but my father’s never bought a lottery ticket without winning a smaller sum of money. He always profits.
Where do you typically write? At home? School? While traveling?
 I usually write at home, but I as long as I have a notebook with me, I can write anywhere. I find it refreshing to write in places outside of my house, but don’t often find the time to.
Where is the last place on earth you want to travel?
Seeing that I live in perpetual fear of large sea animals (whales in particular), any very small island in the ocean would be an awful place to travel.
What is the coolest thing that happened to you this week?
 This past week has been fairly uneventful. However, this previous weekend, I did work an exhibit at a children’s museum with a wallaby and alligator, which was fairly cool.
Where are you going to be in 10 years?
Ten years from now I can only hope I’ve left the Midwest. Hopefully by then I’ll be done with school. I find it difficult to think so far in advance.
SmartWool Cube
Gurm is a student with roots in India and a childhood in Ohio. Her work has been published in various anthologies, including the short story collection Glass Bottom Boat. She is most inspired by varying youth cultures around the world, ones she has experienced first hand on her countless travels through Asia and Europe. Read her story from N11 here.
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