Nowhere on Rudy Maxa’s World
Nowhere will be featured by Rudy Maxa, aka “The Savvy Traveler” of “Rudy Maxa’s World,” which is the country’s most widely syndicated travel talk radio show. Find Maxa at www.maxa.tv and www.rudymaxa.com

We are so honored when other travel media sources take notice of what we do at Nowhere. Next Thursday (December 27th) Rudy Maxa of “Rudy Maxa’s World” will feature Nowhere magazine on his Travel Minute program. Maxa’s biography from his website:
“Rudy Maxa, one of America’s premier consumer travel experts, is host and executive producer of “Rudy Maxa’s World,” the Emmy-award winning, 20-episode public television travel series featuring destinations as diverse as Korea and Argentina.
He’s also host and co-executive producer of five earlier seasons of shows–the 65-episode “Smart Travels” series–that highlighted cities and regions in Europe and the Pacific Rim.
Mr. Maxa is well known as public radio’s “Savvy Traveler” and an award-winning contributing editor with National Geographic Traveler magazine. He is a contributing editor to Delta Air Lines’ SKY magazine and Artful Living, the Twin Cities’ lifestyle magazine. The voice of National Geographic Traveler’s “Walks of a Lifetime” podcasts, he also hosts America’s most widely-syndicated, weekend travel radio show, also called “Rudy Maxa’s World,” that airs on 110+ mostly news/talk stations and XM Radio in North America.
As a writer for Traveler, Mr. Maxa’s articles have earned him two Lowell Thomas Bronze Awards for excellence in travel writing from the Society of American Travel Writers. He has contributed travel articles to GQ, Worth, Forbes, Modern Maturity, USA Today, the Washington Post, Town & Country Travel, the Los Angeles Times as well as USAToday.com, MSNBC.com and ABC.com. He’s a frequent guest on national television networks and shows, including CNN, MSNBC, CNBC and “The View.” And he speaks frequently to both public as well as industry groups.
After 13 years as a Washington Post investigative reporter and personalities columnist, Mr. Maxa worked nine years as a senior writer with the city magazine, Washingtonian, before becoming Washington bureau chief of SPY magazine for two years.
Political scandal reportage by Mr. Maxa was nominated for the Pulitzer Prize by the Post, and he has written two non-fiction books. He wrote for the ABC-TV dramatic series “Capitol News” and for several years hosted a Saturday-morning, public affaris talk show on WRC-AM, the NBC owned-and-operated radio station in Washington, DC.
Episodes of Mr. Maxa’s television series have garnered dozens of awards, including five regional Emmy awards. He was named “best regular columnist” by the Florida Magazine Association for his writings in Ocean Drive. And as a Post reporter, he won the John Hancock Award for Excellence in Business and Financial Journalism for a series of stories unmasking an international Ponzi scheme. His alma mater, Ohio University, gave Mr. Maxa the L.J. Hortin “Distinguished Alumnus Award” in 2002.
Mr. Maxa is a graduate of Ohio University. He lives in St. Paul, MN, and is the father of a son and daughter.”
Read a draft of Maxa’s radio show script here: RudyMaxa_Nowhere

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