Interview: Jeff Altman

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The Catch, 1907. Photo by Fredrick W. Glasier.

Jeff Altman Interview

Circus, nostalgia, elephants, rustbelt, time travel

Filmmaker Jeff Altman has remastered footage of the Ringling Circus from the mid-1950s. In this footage set to a simple melodic soundtrack, wide pans of the circus grounds show performers in sequined bodysuits, clowns in cop uniforms and elephants made up into train cars. This candid footage gives a snapshot of a particular moment in post-war America, a reflection on nostalgia for that time.

[vimeo 49354436]

Describe your personal feeling of nostalgia for me.

Perhaps it’s a relation of nostalgia to a longing of what could have been rather than what actually was.

If you could travel to another time and place in history, where would you go?

The evolution of American cities is something that’s very fascinating to me. To be able to walk through areas familiar to me but merely a foundation would give me an even deeper appreciation for a place I’m already very fond of.

Where have you traveled that felt the most from another time? 

Whenever I’m in Los Angeles I feel like I’m in the 90s again, New York the 80’s, rustbelt cities in the 70s. Its the downside of consuming so much media; I put myself into the narratives of these places that I’m familiar with.

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